
Losing Weight Today

Why lose weight?

Being overweight has become a health issue; it might be a question of overeating or a question of not having a healthy diet or an exercise plan. The average American is bombard by advertisement of fast food. The average adult in America are not taught nor educated on how to maintain a healthy diet. This oversight makes 60% of adults in America fat and feeling shameful, rejected or depressed. The main reason for losing weight is always health related issues and the perception of being or labeled of being unattractive. So what are some things you must know and do in order to lose weight?

What foods you should and not eat!

The fast food of super-sizing portions in your diet should be cut out completely; these are 'artificially-flavored and deep fat fried segments of potato' Dr. Susan Davis and these fast food meals "are not one meal--they're three" according to one nutritionists. Instead of eating fast food start eating some fat fighter foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables condiments, reduced -fat salad dressing, light mayo, salsa, butter buds, vinegar. Some other health foods are; grape tomatoes, fat-free milk, sweet potatoes, broccoli and crisp breads. Keeping track of how many calories you consume and need, will help you in managing your weight. Start reading the food labels and be alert on the food you consume when you are alone. Don't eat what you want, but eat only what your body needs. Remember cutting your servings in half is always a good start.

Calorie/Fat calculators use them!

How many calories do you need? For an active 35 year old male the calorie intake should be between 2800-3000 daily. This tells you how many calories you should continue to consume and knowing the calories in the foods will give you a choice of what foods you should eat. With this information you can choice to lose weight by decreasing your intake or just by exercising more. Starting a healthy exercise program is essential if you wish to lose unwanted body fat. A body fat calculator will help you keep a health amount of fat that your body needs. Getting yourself educated on your calorie intake and body fat will give you the knowledge of where you are at and give you the direction where you need or want to go.

Which weight loss program is right for you?

First note on weight loss programs; quick diets, fad or weight pills don't work and are not healthy. So what should you do, start slow, cut you eating in half, don't eat leftovers, eat more food rich in fiber, drink water, avoid sodas, avoid super sizing, and keep track of your progress. Shot to lose a pound a week, stay active and remember the less fat you intake the better; but don't over do it, take it slow. Exercise at least 30 minutes every day or at least three days out of the week. Start by walking, then move up to jogging and don't forget to maintain an exercise schedule. Don't torture yourself, set realistic goals by getting informed and sticking them. What ever you do, don't give up! Seek medical advice and guidance if need be. Stay informed, be healthy and seek a long term diet program! Good luck!

by Luis M. Rubio