There is a constant barrage of commercials starring Jared, who lost over 200 lbs eating only subway sandwiches. I am as happy for Jared as the next guy, but something works shouldn't there be more than one person as proof ? If it were a diet pill there would be government trails, FDA approval, and more than one person testing it before the general public would be allowed to have access. But we are supposed to take the word of one guy ?
After a brief search on the internet it seems the general consensus is that it wasn't so much the Subway sandwiches as it was the radically change in the amount of calories Jared was eating daily, about 1/10 of his previously normal daily intake. Most sites/articles also pointed out that after some initial weight loss he also started a walking program to further enhance his weight loss activities.
It is not recommended to have such a radical change in your eating habits, but a gradual reduction in the number of calories you eat daily is a better approach. Also, look at what you eat. Not only was Jared eating few calories, he was eating healthier foods. Mostly veggies and bread, no mayo or oil. Look at what you eat as well as how much.
Bottom line is the same for any diet. Take in fewer calories than you burn and you will loose weight. So either take in fewer calories or start an exercise program to help your body burn more. A final reminder, before starting any diet or exercise program consult with your physician to determine what is right for you. Good luck and good health.
Simon Volk has been a contributing author for websites and is an acknowledged expert in the field of health and fitness.
By Simon Volk