A single grain of rice actually has several layers. If just the outside hull of the rice grain is removed, you have brown rice. But when the milling process continues and several layers of the grain are removed and then polished, you are left with what is known as white rice. In the process of milling the rice grain to make white rice, almost all of the healthy vitamins and nutrients are lost. Therefore, after the rice is processed, it is "enriched" with vitamins B1, B3 and iron. The reason why rice is milled into white rice is because it has a much longer shelf life than brown rice.
But what does brown rice contain that makes it so special? One of the minerals that brown rice will provide is manganese. This is a trace mineral that helps the body produce energy from protein and carbohydrates. Manganese will also help build a healthy nervous system by synthesizing the fatty acids in the body. This amazing trace mineral is a component of an antioxidant enzyme called superoxidate dismutase or SOD for short. SOD is found inside most of the body's cells. This enzyme will protect the cells from damage that can be sustained from free radicals that are produced during energy production.
Brown rice is a powerful colon cancer fighter. This is because brown rice contains plenty of natural fiber and selenium. Studies have proven that those who eat a diet rich in fiber will have a lower risk of colon cancer. Selenium is a trace mineral that is a powerful antioxidant and it helps to build up the immune system. Selenium also works in conjunction with vitamin E to help prevent heart disease, decrease the symptoms of asthma and to relieve inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.
Magnesium is found in brown rice. This is a very important mineral when it comes to glucose and insulin secretion. Magnesium is a key component in the enzyme production that regulates the blood sugar. Studies have proven that regular consumption of brown rice will decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
These few things are just the beginning of the health benefits of brown rice. There are so many more benefits to adding brown rice to your diet, that an entire book could be written about it. So if you are looking for a good way to get healthy, don't forget the brown rice.
by Lambert Klein